
Do Your Anesthesia Labels Comply with New FDA Safety Guidelines?

Anesthesia is undoubtedly one of the greatest advances in modern medicine. Surgery was a much more daunting prognosis prior to the 1840’s when anesthesia was first demonstrated—a substance so powerful it could dull the pain often associated with surgery. The technology has obviously improved over the years, but especially so in the last 20 years, making it quite safe. However, with any medication, there are risks involved and proper anesthesia labels can mitigate these risks.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently called for updates to anesthesia labels to better reflect the risks, especially to children. The updated labeling guidelines are meant to highlight the importance of proper dosing in young patients. This is a direct result of studies that have shown that general anesthesia used for more than three hours on children may result in learning, developmental, or behavioral disorders. These findings are what prompted the labeling update to 11 of the most commonly used anesthesia medications.

With a long history of taking care of our customers, Shamrock Labels has the expertise and quality labeling solutions to meet the necessary regulatory and safety standards, including our line of anesthesia labels. We understand the harm that can result from improper labeling and the significance of clearly marked medications.

The importance of proper warnings on Medication labels

Errors in medication are dangerous for all patients, but especially for children. Improper labeling on medication can result in serious injury or even death. Children have much smaller bodies that simply aren’t capable of processing medication in the same way as adults. Children are given medications in smaller doses than adults in order to protect them from adverse side effects. Additionally, children are still developing both physically and mentally, making them even more vulnerable to injury. All of these are reasons why even the smallest dosing error could be deadly to young patients.

The FDA’s new update for anesthesia labels should help mitigate some of the dosing errors in anesthesia medications administered to children, making it that much more important to partner with a trusted labeling manufacturer such as Shamrock Labels.

What Shamrock Labels Can Offer

Date, Time, and Initial Options

anesthesia labels with date, time and initial optionsAt a minimum, date and time for anesthesia medication should be clearly communicated. Our pre-printed labeling tapes are offered in a variety of materials, sizes, and colors to meet any requirements.

Expiration Date, Time, and Initial Options

anesthesia labels with expiration date, time and initial optionsPrep date, expiration date, and expiration time can be critical when ensuring that medication is administered properly. Communicating this information clearly and quickly can help mitigate numerous errors in administering medication.

Syringe Labels

anesthesia labels for syringesPre-printed syringe stickers contain critical drug information that can ensure patient safety. Syringe labels communicate the name of the medication, the strength of the medication, date of preparation, and method of storage, all of which are crucial to know.

Quality Tape and Label Dispensers 

quality tape and label dispensers for anesthesia labelsSpeed and efficiency are sometimes just as important as the label itself.

ASTM color standard for drug classifications: Color labeling is a quick and easy way to identify medication. The American Society for Testing and Materials has identified a color standard for drug classification. Shamrock Labels recognizes this classification and we map the colors of our labels directly back to the ASTM standard.

Using labels that are right for the application can also help prevent medication errors that could be costly for both sides. To learn more about our anesthesia label options, call us at (800) 323-0249. We look forward to seeing how we can help.

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Alvarez, Jesus M., and Krydon Group Inc. “Label Changes Highlight The Risks of Anesthesia Errors In Children | Philly Malpractice Lawyer.” Lopez McHugh LLP, 7 May 2018,