
Syringe Stickers: What Makes Them Unique?

As adults, many of us now appreciate the “shots” we feared as children, when we went to the doctor’s office. The jab in the arm that lingers like a bee sting is as painful as ever, but we’ll take that over the discomfort of a prolonged illness that a shot from our doctor can cure or help prevent.

For example, a course of antibiotics can cure tuberculosis, but that wasn’t the case 150 years ago, when the disease killed thousands and somehow earned a rap for befalling “passionate, romantic” people. The same goes for flu vaccines. People used to die of the virus in copious numbers that have dwindled in the face of modern medicine.

The effects can be amazing, but no one receives the benefit of a medical injection unless the solution in the syringe is properly administered. Pre-printed syringe stickers that contain crucial information about the type of drug being administered can go a long way toward ensuring patient safety. For example, below are four things you need to know about medicine in a syringe that syringe stickers can communicate:

  • Name of medication
  • Medication strength
  • Date of Preparation
  • Method of Storage

These indications tell you what you’re administering, how much of it, how old the solution is, and how the solution’s efficacy has been preserved in relation to its storage condition (e.g. refrigerated storage vs. cryogenic freeze). These factors combine to tell the decision maker whether the syringe should be preserved, used, or discarded. The (old) age of certain vaccines has been a news topic in recent years. Labels that reveal the information above can prevent the need to guess, and clearly identify what’s in the syringe.

Syringe stickers can reveal lots of other information through customization options, such as the patient’s name, the person’s official medical statuses, the date the solution is intended for use, the date after which the solution should not be used, interaction warnings, and much more. To support the information, you’ll need a label that has the following three physical qualities:

  • Adhesive that works on rounded surfaces
  • Facestock that’s pliable on rounded surfaces
  • Large enough to clearly display data fields

Size is a relatively easy requirement to meet, but adhesive and facestock are a bit tougher to pick out. The adhesive needs to be exceptionally aggressive to prevent the label from lifting at its beginning and end points, where moisture attacks, and the label needs to be unusually pliable to prevent lifting. Moreover, you really need a label that’s specially designed for a syringe.

Need Better Syringe Stickers?

If your syringe stickers aren’t designed for syringes, switching to proper syringe labels is something to do for the well-being of your patients or the quality of your experiments, if you’re a researcher. Using labels that are right for the application can also help prevent medication errors that could be costly for both sides.

To learn more about our syringe stickers and how we can supply them, call us today at (800) 323-0249, or send us an email through our contact form. We look forward to learning about your labeling needs and seeing how we can help.