
Why Does the Right Label Material Matter?

Labels are similar to articles of clothing; not all of them are suited for all situations. Some label users discover it the hard way. They order labels, and then find the product is made from materials other than what the application requires.

Choosing the right label material should be discussed with a label supplier before you place an order. To help you dialogue with your supplier, and select the best labeling option, let’s take a look at four examples of why the right label material matters.

  1. Temperature

If you heat up a container that has a standard adhesive label, the adhesive will start to lose its tack, and peel away from the container without much effort. If you freeze a standard adhesive label, a different situation can occur: The label can thicken and pull away from the container.

If you need to use labels in an environment that’s unusually warm or cold, you need a labeling solution whose facestock and adhesive are designed for that environment. For example, cryogenic labels are designed to perform well under exceptionally cold conditions.

  1. Moisture

One of the biggest problems with having high moisture density in the area where you apply labels, is that the airborne moisture particles can gradually degrade the facestock and its print. Particularly vulnerable are paper labels that are printed with an inkjet.

Could moisture in the labeling environment be removed, or is the moisture necessary, or is it an inevitable result of a work process? If removing moisture isn’t an option, implementing labels that are designed for environments with a high moisture density is the right move.

  1. Surfaces

The surface on which a label is applied impacts how the label performs. For example, glass is often less porous than plastic, and wood is normally more porous than metal. Choosing labels that are designed to adhere to the materials you use helps prevent the need to buy replacement labels that offer the grade of adhesive you truly need for the application.

  1. Adhesive

We’ve discussed adhesive quite a bit at this point, but there’s something more to say about it. Some labels have temporary adhesive, which stays firmly in place, yet is manually peeled away with ease; while other labels have permanent adhesive, which keeps the label securely in place and makes it difficult to peel away.

A good example of temporary adhesive in action can be seen in coupons applied to retail food packages. A good example of permanent adhesive is the adhesive used for prescription labels for scheduled drugs. If the labels are peeled away, they come off in tatters.

About Our Company

Shamrock Labels is a longtime provider of labeling solutions for hospitals, pharmacies, physician offices, and more. Since 1969, we’ve helped our customers implement labels that promote good health outcomes and grow the bottom line. In addition to providing stock labels, we produce custom orders for unique labeling requirements.

To inquire about our products and services, please call us today at (800) 323-0249, or fill out our contact form, to schedule a free consult. We look forward to learning about your organization and helping you choose labels that meet your requirements.