How Are You Accomplishing Tamper Evidence?
Tamper evidence provides a way to identify the altercation of over-the-counter medicines, samples, specimens, foods, and other types of consumer products. These visual signs help consumers, retailers, and professionals to prevent tampering for the shelf or storage life of the item. If something is tamper evident, it means one or more indicators or barriers have been included to ensure easy detection of altercation. These indicators make it visibly apparent when the container has been opened, switched, or interfered with in another way.
Many companies use some form of tamper evident packaging or seal to ensure the stored item is protected from a potential violator. As an example, medical specimen jars have specific visual indicators to aid in identifying actions such as an opened container, altered label, or other form of altercation. A number of measures can be taken to ensure the packaging or container displays signs of tampering. What measures are you taking to identify tamper evidence?
4 Ways to Deter Tampering
A single measure will never be enough to prevent these actions and this makes it important to use several types of tamper evidence indicators. For example, it is common in healthcare packaging to use materials that are not easy to acquire in a public setting. This prevents someone from being able to apply a reproduced label to the package or container. The following are four ways you can reduce or deter someone from altering a sensitive item:
- Include Multiple Indicators
- Consider Using Unique Materials
- Use Tamper Resistant Labels
- Consider Applying Custom Designs
When several measures are taken to protect the housed materials or items, it becomes highly difficult for an individual to alter the product or item. In most scenarios, the person causing harm has only a few seconds or minutes to tamper with the specimen, medicine, or product. This could include removing the label, altering the label, making a switch, or causing harm to it. Multiple indicators will indeed make this process take longer.
Tamper resistant labels are equally imperative because the wrong design will result in alteration or removal. Unique materials will make it harder to duplicate a label or packaging as well. When you are labeling sensitive items that need this type of protection, it is essential to ensure measures are taken to prevent tampering. This includes using the appropriate adhesive to prevent removal or switching.
Labels with jagged edges are easy to damage and this damage could be mistaken for tampering. With custom designs, the perpetrator will find it difficult to copy the label or hide any signs of interference. The right materials, adhesives, and qualities prevent anyone from tinkering with the contents of a package or container. When the wrong materials or practices are used, it will end up costing your company money.
At Shamrock Labels, we offer custom design services to make certain the right materials, design qualities, and adhesives are applied for a dependable tamper evident label. We encourage you to evaluate your current labeling to determine if a more tamper evident fit is possible for increased integrity and reliability. Contact us today to learn about our practices and offerings!