
Pediatric Stickers: Treating Patients to & with Stickers!

Like some adults, some children would rather do about anything than see the inside of a doctor’s office more or less a hospital building. Getting a flu shot, having their tongue depressed for a throat examination, and having an otoscope placed in their ear are just a few of the reasons children dread seeing doctors.

However, there are things nurses and doctors can do to make medical care more enjoyable for their patients, such as giving out kid-themed stickers that attract children’s attention. Below, we explain four benefits associated with these stickers. To view our products, just visit our pediatric award stickers page.

1. Helps Kids Avoid Focusing on Procedures

When the stickers are given to children before they undergo treatment, it gives them something positive to focus on while procedures are performed. More often than not, the procedures are minimally invasive, but they may not seem that way to young patients, who have minimal experience with healthcare. Offering pediatric stickers won’t remove the sting of a shot, but it can help reduce anticipatory anxiety that leads up to the shot by diverting attention to the sticker.

2. Increases Confidence for Return Visits

Award-themed pediatric stickers can help increase children’s confidence about seeing the doctor, or having a test run. Examples of messages that some of our pediatric award stickers feature are: “Super Patient”, “Hug Me! I Was Great!”, and “Fairy Princess”. A marketing pro might say these are marketing messages that reach out to a pediatrician’s demographic in a positive way. When award messages increase confidence for return visits, they function in this capacity.

3. Can Provide Positive Health Messages

Pediatric stickers can also deliver positive health messages to children that help them form healthy habits and participate in the medical community. Examples of these messages that some of our stickers contain are: “Don’t Forget To Brush Your Teeth”, “Always Wash With Soap!”, and “Blood Donors Have a Big Heart”. Because children tend to be highly impressionable, the messages can reach them at deep level during their formative years.

4. Commemorates Major Medical Procedures

For adults, a major medical procedure might be something on the level of heart surgery or radiation. But for kids, even a minor medical procedure can seem major, especially if they’re experiencing it for the first time. This is one reason why we provide pediatric stickers with messages that commemorate medical procedures, such as blood donation, tooth removal, and the application or removal of stitches.

Contact Us Today

Shamrock Labels has over 45 years of experience in providing medical labels and associated products to hospitals, closed door and retail pharmacies, and other healthcare entities, including doctor offices. Choose a stock product, or have one custom designed for your unique needs. To inquire about our products and services, please call us today at (800) 323-0249, or use our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!