
The Importance of Medical Chart Labels for Dental Offices

Like physicians, dentists perform health-related procedures that can have a significant impact on a person’s well being. This is one reason why dentists do as doctors do when it comes to maintaining the medical charts of patients. For example, scrupulously maintained medical charts at dentist offices often feature medical chart labels that indicate essential information such as:

  • Medicare status
  • Discharge analysis
  • Directions for the records department
  • Chart thinning
  • Status of medical reports

By using medical chart labels that contain these crucial pieces of information and others, dentists can do more than help to ensure a high level of care for valued patients. They can also help prevent themselves from being subject to costly malpractice claims, as well as increase business productivity in the office by making patient medical charts easy to locate and interpret.

Paper Charts Versus Digital Charts
Since the introduction of electronic health records (EHRs) that are supported by special software, countless dental offices have migrated information from paper medical charts to digital medical charts that are conveniently maintained in a patient database. However, many of these same offices have chosen to keep maintaining paper medical charts for the following reasons.

  • Technical simplicity
  • Data security
  • Record maker accountability
  • Simplified accessibility

The last reason may seem counter intuitive, but a 2014 study from the American College of Physicians indicates otherwise. Wikipedia’s report on the study states that “90% [of general practitioners] reported that at least 1 data management function was slower after EMRs were adopted, [and] a third (34%) reported that it took longer to find and review medical record data.

In addition, “64 percent reported that [electronic] note writing took longer, [and] 34 percent reported that it took longer to find and review electronic medical record data, and 32 percent reported that it was slower to read other clinicians’ notes that are recorded in electronic form.

Many dental offices record patient information in electronic files, but paper records continue to be used due to the statistics mentioned above. If you are migrating the information from written medical chart labels to electronic labels, do not destroy the paper labels when you are done. They can play a crucial role in helping dentists access patient information expeditiously.

Medical Chart Labels are Essential
A key to realizing the benefits above is applying medical chart labels to patient charts. If you require labels for paper chart use, Shamrock Labels can supply ready made or custom chart labels that meet your specific needs. We provide dentists with labeling solutions that improve key aspects of their practice and help decrease the prospect of patients receiving poor treatment.

To learn more about the benefits of using our products, call us today at (800) 323-0249. You can place an order for medical chart labels through the convenience of our store. We look forward to providing your pharmacy with best in class chart labels that help it function efficiently on both the administrative side and the therapeutic side that focuses on patients. Visit the Pharmacy Labels section of our website to see the great products you’ve been missing!