
Core Lab Labels Impact Specimen Processing Time

Almost every hospital has a core laboratory where medical samples are processed using a conveyor belt system. The system is a great solution to what would otherwise be the manual processing and labeling of lab samples, and thus helps hospitals reduce the need for manpower and speed up the labeling process. However, the system isn’t without potential flaws, one of the most common of which deals with specimen labels that machines in the system automatically apply.

Common Core Lab Label Problems
Core lab labeling systems simplify lab specimen processing for hospitals that serve a large patient population. They were also invented as a way to provide great efficiency for the labeling process while simultaneously reducing human error. However, whether the labeling system works like a well-oiled machine or a recalcitrant piece of equipment is partly based on the characteristics of the labels that are applied. Below are some things that could go wrong.

Label is too Thick or too Thin
Core lab labeling systems use precision equipment that is designed to apply labels of a certain thickness and width. Even the smallest deviations from the required parameters can cause the system to jam and experience downtime while a technician fixes the problem. Preventing the problem is simple: Read the equipment manufacturer’s requirements for core lab labels, and then contact us to acquire exactly the type of labels you need, even if they must be custom-made.

Ink on Label Smears
Some core lab systems do more than adhere the label to the receptacle; they also print information on core lab labels that will be used for classification purposes. While this feature is certainly a nice one to have in labeling equipment (it truncates the labeling process), the labels must have a surface that accepts ink and allows it to dry without smearing. Smeared ink on core lab labels is more than just an eyesore. It could also cause important information to be misread.

Labels are Unevenly Applied
Labels that are unevenly applied are perhaps the least threatening mistake that can happen with core lab labels, but the presentation of awkwardly applied labels looks unprofessional and could potentially cause the label to flag, depending on how the receptacle is handled. More often than not, unevenly applied labels tend to be smaller than recommended instead of larger. Again, the solution is simple: Read the manufacturer’s specifications, and order the right labels from us.

Your One-Stop Label Shop
Core lab labels are a necessity for any hospital or laboratory that operates a core lab labeling system. However, not just every type of lab label will work with every kind of labeling system. This is where Shamrock Labels comes in. In addition to supplying ready-made labels that perfectly conform to the specifications of your system, we can also design custom labels to meet any specific need your system requires.

For information about custom orders, call us today at (800) 323-0249. We look forward to supplying you with the best core lab labels and products for your other labeling needs!