
What Are the Benefits of Removable Labels?

Peel and stick or removable labels have been used for a number of applications to make certain no residue is left behind on a surface. In the medical industry, labels are used in a number of ways from adding visible information to an individual’s chart to placing prescription details on a container. Labels are an important communicator for both medical facilities and pharmacies. Since these items often need to be placed on a patient chart or medicine, accuracy is a top priority. However, when the labels have permanent adhesive, it is difficult to remedy problems such as mislabeling.

Removable labels offer an easy way to make changes to patient or customer information without creating more waste or increasing labeling costs. They may be taken off paper or another surface without leaving residue or obscuring other details. Peel and stick labels have several purposes in a medical environment including:

  • Patient Chart Data
  • Office Management
  • Injectable Medications
  • Drug Warnings
  • Equipment Management

In hectic environments such as hospitals, labels may become obscured or be written up wrong. Removable labels make it easy to correct mistakes and prevent medical errors. As needs change, it may be removed or replaced with the new information. Pharmacies may also use removable labels to manage medication storage, office documents, or additional items. If your facility is not using these handy communicative items, then you might be spending unnecessary funds.

Using Removable Labels to Improve Identification Practices

Labels essentially function as a form of communication for handling patient needs and medications. In busy environments, a drug or patient chart will change hands quite frequently. Pharmacies must also label items accordingly to guarantee the right medications are provided to their customers. The wrong information leads to medical errors, which in some cases results in individual harm. Removable labels are another way to ensure the right data is always available to each professional for improved patient and customer care.

Things often happen in both environments where the information on the label needs to be updated or changed. For example, a patient might have been given a certain drug and then switched to another while receiving care. Removable labels make it easy to update this information on the patients chart without harming any existing details. The same applies when the dosage or drug name is not correct. Removable labels offer the following benefits to any facility or pharmacy:

  • Less Waste
  • Reduced Costs
  • Improved Accuracy
  • Easy Information Changes
  • Reduced Chance of Error
  • No Residue or Damage

Another great example is using these items for syringes where the identifying information must be placed in a specific location to make certain the dosage is still readable on the syringe. Removable labels have many purposes in medical environments ranging from conveying patient needs to organizing medications in storage.

At Shamrock Labels, we strive to provide the highest quality products for your identification needs. Our removable labels may be acquired with specific information or as blanks to ensure you are able to convey the right patient or consumer details at all times. If you want to learn more about our removable label products, contact us today at (800) 323-0249!