
4 Printable Visitor Pass Labels for Hospitals

Hospitals are some of the most visited buildings in the world — and not just by the sick. When someone enters the hospital for care, the gravity of the situation often unleashes a flood of visitors, including family members, neighbors, members of the clergy, and more.

The diversity of visitors means hospitals need a foolproof way to identify them while they remain on campus. There are different ways to do it. One of the easiest is using printable visitor pass labels that feature the following pre-printed elements: the title of the visitor, with a color that’s coded to match the title. This identifies the visitor and provides a layer of redundancy for identification as well as ensuring security.

When you print visitor labels, you can include additional information in the space under the visitor’s title, such as the ward the person in visiting, the reason for the visit, the room visited, and other information that would add integrity to the visitor identification process. To get started, consider implementing printable visitor pass labels for the common classes of visitors below.

  1. Regular Visitors

For regular visitors (e.g. family, friends, colleagues, etc.), simply use the title “Visitor”, and code it with the color of your choice. This title lets you know the visitor is there simply to see the patient and offer moral support or gifts. This type of hospital visitor is the most common by far.

  1. Attorney Visitors

We’ve heard about attorneys chasing ambulances, but some lawyers trail gurneys down hospital hallways, though with good intent. Attorneys are common visitors to hospitals because people who have potential injury claims often end up in medical treatment centers, and also because some start the estate planning process only after receiving a bleak health diagnosis. Attorneys’ time is essentially money; they’ll appreciate your efficient visitor identification process.

  1. Vendor Visitors

Hospitals are not often thought of as businesses, but they do have day to day operations like that of any business. From soft drink machines to latex glove suppliers, numerous vendors may have a need to visit hospitals daily. Your hospital can enhance security by requiring vendor visitors to wear printable visitor pass labels with a title and color coding.

  1. Physician Visitors

Most physicians have ID badges for hospitals where they perform rounds, but doctors routinely stray from their normal managed care settings to visit patients in other facilities. The last thing you want is to detain a physician due to an ID issue, when he or she is there to perform a critical medical assessment or therapy. Physician visitor labels help prevent the situation.

Need Printable Visitor Pass Labels?

Whether you use a visitor identification system like the one above or choose a different option, if printable visitor pass labels are a part of the plan, order them from us. We offer a variety of label materials, adhesives, print options, and sizes to accommodate every conceivable need, including customization. To receive more information or place an order, call us today at (800) 323-0249, or send us an email through our contact form.